
“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” – Napoleon Hill

In these pages I share my personal experiences recovering from severe physical trauma, a bankruptcy because of medical reasons and being forced to live in a minivan because of physical limitations, age and government rules regarding disability. It’s only been through hope, action and ultimately nutrition that am I able to travel this journey which has been filled with pain, struggle, joy, gratitude and really great experiences that helped build a stronger hope for my future.

Follow my journey to better health, dream building and lifestyle sharing. Living full time in a minivan, albeit converted to RV style equipped, allows for some adventure but also challenges that can be difficult to overcome. This is a journey that includes mental health challenges, primarily PTSD, that has been difficult to work through because of daily physical reminders of the trauma. Travel, physical workouts, lots of reading and often sharing my story in trauma and pain management related groups on and offline have been key to success.

I’m searching for new dreams to replace those lost by a divorce and a bullet to the neck that almost permanently killed me several years ago. It has been a multi year journey that that has sometimes been more than a struggle but also filled with so many good memories that I cherish. These pages tell small pieces of a story that led to the place I am today; a divorced father that is repairing a broken body, mind and spirit, who lives alone in a minivan on social security …

but most of all I am a 67 year old man who is grateful for all the blessings received daily, especially those too often taken for granted by most of us.


Dr Georgia Ede’s book ‘Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind: A Powerful Plan to Improve Mood, Overcome Anxiety, and Protect Memory for a Lifetime of Optimal Mental Health‘  discusses the potential health benefits of a controlled diet. She talks about several different diets including carnivore.
In this provocative, illuminating guide, Dr. Ede explains why nearly everything we think we know about brain-healthy diets is wrong. We’ve been told the way to protect our brains is with superfoods, supplements, and plant-based diets rich in whole grains and legumes, but the science tells a different story: not only do these strategies often fail, but some can even work against us. The truth about brain food is that meat is not dangerous, vegan diets are not healthier, and antioxidants are not the answer.

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(Please forgive the appearance as I rebuild the journal posts for past eighteen months from local back ups in coming days because of a failed server transfer)