My Food Journey

The Journey to animal based, plant and carbohydrate free lifestyle. 

My food journey began shortly after I was exiled to living full time in my RV parked on the side of my ex-wife’s house in Rio Rancho, NM. I began to research food because I was in ungodly pain. I knew inflammation was a huge problem which needed a solution and I was on my own to find answers. I was living on a about $350 a month in SNAP food benefits for the first year. It was 18 months after shooting I was determined disabled and eligible for Social Security so I lived entirely on SNAP only for 18 months. I had to begin an elimination diet while living on limited food.

I researched, read studies and books. The more I read the more confused I became with all the contradictions and really questionable funding sources for many studies, especially those that make grandiose medical or health claims that really only benefit corporations and hospital bottom lines and shareholder bank accounts.

However my body spoke volumes everyday. I began to figure out what caused the discomfort, pain and the things that didn’t. It wasn’t long I realized red meat, fish and eggs never bothered me. But it took many years to figure out what other things were hurting and making my body metabolically unhealthy instead of healing. My discomfort with eating began decades before the shooting occurred and at some point I would have either changed my diet or just faded away sick in a facility like many old people in this country.

Three years after shooting I moved from my unfortunate living arrangements to a 34 foot sailboat moored in the Florida Keys. I ate fish, beef and eggs, some breads and fruits. I spent the next 18 months getting pretty healthy and strong not realizing I was pretty much carnivore. After making the bad move of moving off boat (story in the About section) and being forced to live in my car on $800 a month disability income my diet went really bad. For next 3 years I ate processed junk, lived and slept in a car and got sicker than I have ever been in my life. My depression was off charts, anxiety really bad and small slivers of hope is all I had left.

After getting minivan, converting it to a mini-RV I was able to improve my diet again. I eliminated everything but meat, fish eggs, some berry type fruits, white rice, beans and some walnuts. It was a mix of keto and paleo. Up to this point I was listening to two other people online pushing fruits and non vegetable carbs with meats. One was a doctor who went from carnivore to adding fruits and carbs. I should have not listened to them. The fruits and carbs were hurting and still causing a great deal of inflammation. It took many more months of discomfort to realize plants were killing me and the two “influencers” were wrong. I should have realized when they started peddling their own products that something was not right.

Then I read about and started following Dr Shawn Baker. I bought his book. I recommend it as a great place to start for understanding the diet and building a personal lifestyle around it. This is a lifestyle, not a 30 or 90 day diet. Health is what I want and eating meat only is not too high a price to pay. It feels and tastes great.

This is where my journey to thriving really begins. On July 1, 2024 I dropped carbs including fruits. My new lifestyle includes grass finished beef, pole caught wild Tuna, Mahi or Salmon, pasture raised eggs, grass finished butter, Baja Gold Mineral Sea Salt and occasionally aged block cheese and 2 cups of black coffee a day. I drank hot black coffee for 54 years so I held out. Two weeks later I was in gym beginning another part of my journey to being healthy. The body rebuild has been slow and my impatience sometimes gets the best of me. But I’m committed to getting metabolically healthy and that is why on day 34 of this lifestyle change I quit coffee. And after one experiment 30 days later I decided I will never drink it again.

The Carnivore Diet” by Dr Shawn Baker. It introduced a new way of thinking about food. A groundbreaking approach to nutrition that will help you break away from traditional dietary habits that leave you sick, weak, tired, or depressed! Challenge everything you thought you knew about health, learn how to safely adopt a meat-based diet, and walk away with all the tools you need to achieve lifelong success.

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Baja Gold Mineral Sea Salt, Fine Grind

  • 100% NATURAL AND UNREFINED: Baja Gold Mineral Sea Salt is free from additives and solar dried, ensuring a pure, natural product. Use this mineral-rich sea salt in your cooking and drinking water for a safer, healthier alternative with elevated minerals and naturally lower sodium.
  • MORE MINERALS, LESS SODIUM: Baja Gold Mineral Sea Salt provides more essential minerals and trace elements with less sodium than table salt, refined sea salt, earth (pink) salt, and even ‘Celtic-style’ sea salt. Choose Baja Gold for a healthier option with the best mineral-to-sodium profile.                     

Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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