I began to experiment with my elimination diet again. This time I got more aggressive with eliminating many fruits and vegetables and highly processed foods. In late 2023 I learned of the keto diet and began that journey. But even with this diet I found it suggested eating foods I’d already found caused me inflammation. So I modified it by only eating those things that seemed okay to me physically that were in the diet. No more sugars except except for berry type fruit and bananas plus rice. No more seed oils. No more highly processed foods. No more center of the grocery store. I found I was eating way more meat and eggs and starting to feel a little better. I was constantly researching nutrition and eventually ran across Dr Shawn Baker where he was speaking to some people in Europe. I was introduced to his book the Carnivore Diet.
On Carnivore Diet I have lost bad body fat, feel stronger, have clarity of mind and I’m finally feeling anxiety, depression and anger issues disappearing. Circumstances forced creative thinking and patience. However I’ve come to enjoy the freedom of movement, the peace and the solitude while I grow into my new healthy lifestyle. I look forward to sharing these experiences with others in these pages.